About Mindmine NXT
During COVID-19, Mindmine Institute forayed into digital streaming with Mindmine NXT, where thought leaders and domain specialists discussed emerging realities, ideas and programmes as Mindmine Mondays. This freewheeling conversation was beamed across CNBC-TV 18 and social media platforms while retaining the fabric of promoting free flowing dialogue.
There have been sixteen MIndmine Mondays so far:
- Corona Crisis: Beyond the Lockdown
- Crisis, Churn & Opportunity: The OYO Story!
- Fiscal and Monetary Response: How much gunpowder is available? Year 2020: Will Education create its New Normal?
- Year 2020: Will Education create its New Normal?
- Pandemic and Beyond: Rebooting Public Health
- Living with the Virus: How Should Nations, Businesses and Societies Adapt & Adjust?
- The Emerging Medical Frontier: Surgery, Cell Engineering and Biologics
- Courage Under Fire: Stories From The Pandemic Frontline
- Next Generation Healthcare: Individualised, Remote, Connected, Platform Care
- Rediscovering, Reimagining & Remaking India in a Transformed World
- Geopolitics of Opportunity: As World Rebalances, How should India Capitalise?
- Restarting, Reforming & Remaking India: A Policymaker’s View
- An India Beyond the Pandemic: Reimagining, Building & Living the Dream
- The New Education Policy: Readying and Preparing Students for the World
- Industry’s Role in Economy: What lies Ahead?
- Green Shoots in India: Is the Worst Behind Us?
For more details kindly visit : www.mindminesummit.com